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Most Common Siding Issues

Mildew Vinyl Siding

Your home’s siding is one of the most essential pieces of your home’s exterior. It serves a number of important benefits, including keeping your home protected from the elements, as well as helping to improve your home’s curb appeal, and add insulation to the home. Considering how many benefits having well-installed and maintained siding can provide, it is essential to ensure that it is kept in good repair. If you’re interested in learning about a few of the most common siding issues that tend to cause need for replacement, take a look at our blog for more information!

UV Fading

To begin, we’ll start with an issue that generally won’t affect your siding’s performance, but can detract from your home’s curb appeal; UV fading. Over time, the sun’s UV rays can begin to wear down the color on your home’s siding, which can seriously detract from it’s curb appeal. If you’re trying to keep your home looking beautiful and well-maintained, replace your siding when it begins to fade!

Warped Siding

Another clear sign that your home’s siding will need to be replaced is when it begins to warp. If your siding is bubbling and warping, it is a clear indication that moisture damage has occurred and your siding’s integrity needs to be assessed. There is a leak somewhere in your home’s siding that is allowing moisture behind your siding boards!

Fungus & Mildew Growth

Another sign of moisture damage is when you see your home’s siding growing fungus and mildew. If your siding is experiencing mold & mildew growth, it can be interpreted as a sign that there is at least excess moisture around your siding itself. If there’s mold & mildew growth, there is at least enough shade and moisture in the area to create the right conditions. Mildew won’t necessarily damage your siding, particularly if it’s vinyl which is not susceptible to moisture damage in the same way as other options, but it is something to keep a close eye on.

Cracked/Damaged Siding

Lastly, you will want to have your siding replaced or at least repaired if there is any significant physical damage to the siding. If it is cracked, or otherwise broken in particular areas, you will want to replace it as soon as possible before more damage begins to occur. Moisture will quickly find its way into your home through damage in your siding, so you will want to have it repaired and replaced as soon as possible!

Contact Us Today

Interested in replacing your home’s vinyl siding this summer? Our team at DLM Remodeling is ready to assist with all of your exterior remodeling needs! Reach out to our team today by calling us at (781) 789-8827 or by filling out our team’s online contact form! We look forward to assisting with your siding replacement needs!

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